"I went out for a walk, and when I got back I took a nap." She said finally.
"Ah yes, I didn't think to look in your room. At least not recently." That was good. Les was relieved to hear that her father hadn't been in her room since she'd been here, therefore having not seen the gaping hole in her wall.
"Did you need me for something? Fence said that something happened with the wizard today." Her father stared at his hands in front of him on the table and sighed.
"That is an understatement my dear girl. Bromney was all out of sorts and muckin about the place when I got back from some errands yesterday, he would not be calmed. Kept goin on about an influx in the magic spectrum this, no one that powerful should be close enough to be censored that. I had no idea what he was going on about. He usually watches the magic levels of the area so calmly and never reacts to it." Her father mumbled on. What did me mean a magic spectrum influx. What was he talking about? Bromney had the ability to tell if others were doing magic? Who would have been doing magic?

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