Les looked back in the direction she'd just come from. The light from her room was faint and small. She hadn't realized how far she was traveling. The tunnel kept going in front of her, and so far there had been no turn offs, so she couldn't get lost following one path, so she pressed on. Up ahead the tunnel started to corner. Les kept moving forward, soon the path began to twist and turn before her. She was beginning to forget which way she was traveling, she'd started out traveling in an eastward direction. Now she'd lost her bearings on direction all together. But it was still one path and she wasn't afraid. The darkness around her seemed so complete now, she was glad for her lantern. Eventually she noticed that she could no longer see the wall to her Left, and that she'd been following closely to the wall to her right. She moved the lantern close to where the left wall should have been, but it didn't show in her lamplight. She took a step away from the wall she was following, but the did not show still. Curious, she took another step, and another. Still no Left wall. How wide had this tunnel grown?

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