Seeing agreement from eh girl’s nod, the mouse began. “Many years ago, the wizard worked for a sorceress, as an apprentice. He was not nearly as powerful then. This sorceress lived in that large castle on the other side of town. (The one currently occupied by the royal family’s daughter.) During his apprenticeship he fell madly in the love with the sorceress. But she did not share his adoration. He knew this, and tried to hide his love for her, for despite his love, he knew her temperament. It was short, to be sure. He learned all he could from her, and soon was set out to continue his education on his own. He soon set up shop and hired a young assistant. Me. I was ready and willing to do whatever was asked of me. I worked hard, and grew very fond of the wizard Bromney. I had been with him for about nine years when he told me of his love fore Tatyanna, and that he wanted to confess his love to her. But the sorceress had grown evil since Bromney had left her tutelage, and Bromney did not want to believe that she had. I tried everything in my power to protect him from her. She found out and had plans to wage war on him for it. I did what I had to do.”

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