Les, frightened, pulled herself back behind the tree abruptly. The Robed man started laughing a terrible laugh and Les heard clearly what he said next. "I have you now precious! You shall not defeat me!" As he cackeled out in seeming victory, A bright light flashed all around her. When it was gone, all noise had ceased and when she looked again, the man had vanished. Full of fear, dread, and wonder at what she had seen, Les wanted to run away from this place and forget what had happened. But when she stood, her legs failed her, turned to jelly in her terrror and she fell. She lay there on the ground shaking, all of her limbs numb. Her mind blank. Tears streamed down teh sides of her face even though she was not crying as she staried up at the treetops. After some time, she heard a small whisper.

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